Our technological tool as a payment service
Since the regulations concerning musicians came into force in Quebec, the performing arts and entertainment sectors have been covered by various collective agreements. However, some sectors, such as events, do not have any framework for implementing regulations that would allow Quebec musicians to benefit from social benefits.
In the context of the post-pandemic recovery of our sector, it is of great importance to promote tools that will ensure the monitoring and proper use of public funds allocated to musicians. These public funds could thus be better channelled, and the planned social benefits would be paid more adequately.
We welcome the programs and support measures taken by the levels of government since March 2020 to give our professionals some breathing room. However, this pandemic offers us a moment of reflection and awareness.
Paiement Musique offers a payment solution that meets certain objectives of the brief published in February 2021 by the Guilde des Musiciens et Musiciennes du Québec, according to which “any government assistance granted to producers should be conditional on proof of adequate remuneration of the artists hired”.
Paiement Musique wishes to put forward possible solutions that are in line with this vision, in particular by offering musicians a payment service that ensures realistic fees according to the sector, reasonable social benefits and the traceability of these payments.
The regulations governing the employment of musicians by suppliers representing public bodies have gaps. But this is a problem that can be resolved with the support and collaboration of different authorities. Supporting this solution would promote the revival of the music sector and provide a long-term solution, for the benefit of musicians in Quebec's cultural ecosystem.