For workers in the music industry who deal with different employers, paying the amounts due is not always easy. The promotion of the regulation of stamps and compliance with the rules in the sectors of activity which are currently less supervised are the two main objectives of this project. The registration of musicians and the payment of employers through the tool will make it possible to make the fees more compliant as well as to ensure the traceability of the funds.

With our optician partner we have created a selection of eyeglass frames with a preferential price for musicians and their families
Some info
20 years later a situation that continues...
Here is an article in full by Frédérique Doyon published in Le Devoir on June 16, 2004. This problem persists and will have to be solved. The Union des artistes...
20 years later a situation that continues...
Here is an article in full by Frédérique Doyon published in Le Devoir on June 16, 2004. This problem persists and will have to be solved. The Union des artistes...
Information from the GMMQ concerning the GST-QS...
Notice to producers This correspondence is addressed to all producers/employers and aims to provide clarification on certain elements related to the taxation of musicians and at the same time, standardize...
Information from the GMMQ concerning the GST-QS...
Notice to producers This correspondence is addressed to all producers/employers and aims to provide clarification on certain elements related to the taxation of musicians and at the same time, standardize...
Our technological tool as a payment service
Since the regulations concerning musicians came into force in Quebec, the performing arts and entertainment sectors have been covered by various collective agreements. However, some sectors, such as events, do...
Our technological tool as a payment service
Since the regulations concerning musicians came into force in Quebec, the performing arts and entertainment sectors have been covered by various collective agreements. However, some sectors, such as events, do...