responsible payment
Since the coming into force of regulations concerning artists in Quebec, the performing and entertainment sectors have been covered by various collective agreements. However, some sectors, such as events, have no framework for applying regulations allowing Quebec artists to benefit from social benefits.
In a context of post-pandemic recovery of our sector, it is of great importance to promote tools that will ensure the monitoring and proper use of public funds allocated to artists. These public funds could thus be better directed, and the social benefits provided for would be paid in a more adequate manner.
We salute the support programs and measures taken by the levels of government since March 2020 in order to give oxygen to our professionals. However, this pandemic offers us a moment of reflection and awareness.
What is proposed is a solution that meets certain objectives, such as the brief published in February 2021 by the Guilde des Musiciens et Musiciennes du Québec, according to which "any government assistance granted to producers should be conditional on proof of remuneration adequate number of hired artists".
The application, which can be found at the url, ensures realistic fees depending on the sector, reasonable social benefits and the traceability of payments.
There are gaps in the regulations governing the employment of artists by suppliers representing public bodies. This is a problem that can be resolved with the support, collaboration and political will of various authorities.
Supporting this solution would help promote the revival of the music sector and provide a long-term solution for the benefit of Quebec's cultural ecosystem.